Dave & Lolo
Dave and LeeAnne are a couple from Washington, D.C. currently on a trip around the world. Both leave behind family, friends and kitty cats. They are hoping to keep all of these folks informed of their actions via this web site.
Also, planning a round the world trip is not all fun and games! There are a lot of descions to be made. We are hoping to document many of these (good and bad) choices, so fellow travelers, and those planning travel, can benefit from our good (and bad) judgement.
David Hogge
Prior to his round the world travel Dave Hogge was a Font-End Web Programmer based in Washington D.C. Originally hailing from Poquoson Virginia (Go Bull Island!), Dave has a love of all things Soccer, Kung-Fu and Cycling related.
While traveling Dave hopes to:
- Visit Shaolin Temple
- Be in a Bollywood Movie
- Experience the “Manly” sports of Mongolian wrestling, pony riding and falconry
- Ride an elephant
- …and make a few new friends.
LeeAnne Adams
Before beginning the trip around the world, LeeAnne was an Economic Development Specialist and grantmaker for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, a national non-profit working to alleviate poverty in America through support of community based organizations that fight for social and economic justice in their communities. LeeAnne is orginally from Lisbon, OH and has spent time living, working and travelling in South America, including over three years in Paraguay with the Peace Corps. Some things she is looking forward to on the trip:
- cycling the “Pedaller’s Paradise” on the South Island of New Zealand
- finding her inner Buddha in India and Nepal
- learning a little Mandarin
- encountering the unexpected (and hopefully surviving it with a laugh!)