Post-Trip Round-Up
Where Are They Now?
“So what ever happened to that crazy couple that were going around the world? Where are they now?” The quick answer is, geographically we are back in the U.S. at home in Washington, D.C. where we are looking forward to returning to normal life and everything (good and bad) that that entails – Jobs, Mortgage, Health Insurance, Pets – bring it on.
Carbon Compensation
One more thing before we let you go – and I don’t want to get too Ed Begley Jr. here, but I think it does bear mentioning. When you travel around the world like we’ve done this year there are some unseen consequences, and I’m not talking about introducing Mongolian Nomads to iPods.
On Top of the World!
So, since we’ve been back there have been a lot of questions about what was our favorite place, our favorite thing to do, etc. We’ll try and address that here. Some things stand out in our mind easily (like our favorite bathroom), others are a little harder to narrow down to just one thing (favorite place?
The Big Mac Index
So I have to tell you, from a exchange rate perspective, 2007 has not been a great year to travel outside the United States. Well, at least not if you have American Dollars to change (thank you George W. Bush). The exchange rates of most of the currencies we changed for was usually worse when we left than when we arrived, it sucked.
Our Trip By The Numbers
So here’s a quick rundown of our trip by the numbers, full of fresh statistics. Possibly interesting, possibly obsessive? You decide!
-1269 : Lowest Altitude – The Dead Sea, Jordan
-46 : Lowest Latitude in Degrees South – Invercargill, New Zealand
1 : Movies Appeared In – Mumbai, India