Remember how you felt before you started your last Round the World trip? No? Let me remind you: It’s really no sweat, you’re only leaving home for several months, going to God knows what kind of places where you won’t understand the locals, be familiar with their customs or know which way to look when you cross the street …and that’s just Australia.
Well, if you’re like LeeAnne and me and you haven’t done this kind of thing before, let me tell you – it’s exciting and fun and scary as hell at the same time.
Maybe this is what your wedding day feels like (If unlike us you planned a wedding and had more than one guest invited). It’s this thing that you’ve been planning for and sweating the details about for months and you’ve told all your friends about it and now it’s all about to start tomorrow. So you’re hoping that everything hangs together because there are too many details to go over at the last minute, and only once the cerimony starts is when you feel you can exhail. That’s kind of where we’re at right now.
So see you all soon, wish you were coming with us.