We’re back! A few days after landing in DC we’ve returned to my ancestral homeland of Poquoson, Virginia. Here we are visiting the parents, catching up with current events and trying to remember how Sales Tax works. I have to say, for anyone considering doing a Round-the-World trip, it’s a good idea to leave yourself some “acclamation” time on the tale end. We’ve built in a period where we can visit the friends and family we haven’t seen all year and that’s been great, but one added benefit is that it’s given us time to kind of readjust to life in these United States, much needed time.
How have we been spending that time here in Poquoson? Lawn work, small chores around the house, collecting the paperwork to file our taxes. Small stuff that we either had no access to while zipping from city to city or site to site, or just didn’t have time for. It’s been a great reintroduction to “normal” life here.
For the next month or so we’ll still be traveling, but at a much slower pace and it will mostly be in places we are familiar with: Virginia, Ohio, DC, Oregon and Texas. So we won’t be jumping around as much to see things we may never have another chance to see, rather we’ll be relearning how to approach things that are very familiar and dear to us.